There have been many wireless hacking tools exposed in recent past. It is a collection of files which can be easily used with a command prompt. The best part of this software suit is one need not install it to use it. Aircrack-ng consists of a packet sniffer, WPA cracker, and analysis tool and a detector for the wireless Local Area Networks (802.11). It is a software suite specially designed for a wireless network and which operates under both the Windows and the Linux Operating System.
It also has the capacity to infer whether a nonbeaconing network is present or not via the data traffic in the network and a network is identified by this tool by collecting data packets passively, detecting hidden and standard named networks. There is certain plug-in supported by Kismet which enables sniffing media like DECT.
Kismet is a wireless detector system which detects possible intrusion to an 802.11 layer2 wireless network, it is also a sniffer.
This feature is usually used by a hacker to bring down a network. It is a powerful tool for packet injection in an 802.11 wireless network and is very useful as it has the capability to send in forged de-authentication packets.